tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 13 16:47:20 1998

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Re: Klingon Culture

At 04:36 PM 7/13/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Ok, I know this is primarily a klingon language site but I am also hoping that
>i can use this as a forum to discuss klingon culture. 

Nope, sorry; you can't.  Or, rather, you can _if_ you do it
in Klingon.

>After all language is a
>major part of a culture.  I was thinking and the way klingons live is quite
>like how the samurai of fuedal japan lived.  They had sparse furnishings and
>yearned for honor and combat.  However i did find one piece of information
>that is contradictory in a comparison of the two cultures and it is an
>honorable death.  The klingons believe that it is dishonorable to die by one's
>own hand.  My question is why is this so? However in the Bushido it was
>considered honorable to die at one's own hands (showing courage and integrity)
>and a disgrace to die at the hands of one's enemy (showing weakness).  Could
>anyone give me their personal throughts and opinions on this subject.  thank

nuch ghaH qabDaj 'angbe'bogh HoHwI''e'. chay' qabwIj vIleghlaH? (che'ronDaq 
*mirrors* tu'lu'be'ba'!)
-- ter'eS

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