tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 10 12:08:31 1998

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RE: KLBC::Saj tera'ngan je'

Typo in the subject line: <je'> should be <je>. This is a common mistake,
but since <je'> and <je> are different words, it can get confusing.

lab Chris Lipscombe:

> Last night, while sitting at the pool I re-read
> the syntax section of TKD, and I decided to write
> one sentence for each type of construction. I hope
> I mange to construct them correctly.
> mu'thleghmeyvam vIchenmoHtaHvIS, pagh Saj vIqIp!

ghaytan mu'tlheghvammo' Duchop SajwIj, 'ej pe'vIl choplaH. QeHchoHchugh vaj
chaq puq nItlh teqlaH.

> Here they are:
> Basic Sentences
> Saj qIp tera'ngan - The Terran hit the pet
> tera'ngan qIp Saj - The pet hit the Terran
> Saj vIqIp - I hit the pet
> muqIp Saj - The pet hit me
> Saj yIqIp - Hit the pet!
> DujDaq Saj vIqIp - I hit the pet in the ship

> Complex Sentences
> Compound Sentences
> Qong Saj 'ej vIqIp - The pet sleeps and I hit it
> jIQongtaH 'ach muqIp Saj - I am sleeping but the pet hit me
> QongtaH Saj qoj qettaH Saj - The pet is sleeping and/or running
> QongtaH Saj pagh qettaH Saj - The pet it either sleeping or running
maj. You can leave off the second <Saj> in the last two sentences. Also, can
a pet sleep and run at the same time?

> Subordinate Clause
> QongDI' Saj yIqIp - When the pet sleeps, hit it!
> Qongchurgh Saj vIqIp - If the pet sleeps, I will hit it.
typo - <-chugh>, not <-churgh>

> QongtaHvIS Saj vIqIppu' - While the pet was sleeping, I hit it.
You are confusing tense with aspect. You said "While the pet was sleeping, I
_had_ hit it.", which is not what you want. Leave off the <-pu'>.

> Relative Clause
> QongtaHbogh Saj vIqIp - I hit the pet that is sleeping.
> QongtaHbogh tera'ngan qIp Saj - The pet hit the Terran that
> is sleeping.
maj. For the English, you could also say "the sleeping pet/Terran" for a
smoother translation.

> Pupose Clause
> Saj vIqIpmeH jIQong - I sleep in order to hit the pet.
The grammar is fine, but the logic of the sentence is a bit dubious.
Fortunately, I just correct the grammar :-)

Temporary Beginners' Grammarian

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