tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 10 11:56:21 1998

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RE: KLBC: toS & Sal

lab Edy:

>     Greetings!
> toS - climb
> Sal - ascend
>     I would like to understand the best usage for these
> similary words.

Since the Ca'Non Master has already rung in and said there is no canon usage
of these words, all I can offer is my best guess, based on my knowledge of
English and my experience with Klingon. This is entirely speculation. I am
deliberately being narrow in my guesses for two reasons. First, most Klingon
words don't have all the meanings of their English glosses, or have
different additional meanings. Second, it's better to be safe and possibly
lose a little meaning than to use an obscure and possibly wrong meaning and
get funny looks.

toS - climb.

I would guess this word applies only to traversing a surface on foot (or
hand and foot or hoof or possibly wheel) with a positive change in altitude.
So a person or an animal could definitely climb a mountain, and a car, or a
person in a car, might be able to as well. I do not think it could be used
in any context for air or space vehicles.

Sal - ascend.

I think this word applies to any positive change in elevation. I also think
it is NOT transitive and cannot take an object. So when I climb a mountain,
I ascend, but I do not "ascend the mountain".

> Surely I can say:  HuD vItoS - I climb the hill
That is quite reasonable.

> But, there are some phrases that I have some doubts:
> HuD tISallI' - I'm ascending the hill
Probably not. Also, watch your prefix. If this did work, it would need to be

> chalDaq Sal DujwIj - My ship ascend to the sky
Sounds OK to me.

> juHwIjDaq jISal - I ascend to my home (If I am using a lift)
Also OK.

Remember - my opinion is just as much a guess as anyone else's. Take it for
what it's worth.

Temporary Beginners' Grammarian

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