tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 09 10:56:30 1998

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Okrand on {yIH ngaghwI'} (PG13)

As if on cue, it seems we have another example of Klingon epithet. Too bad
Okrand didn't translate the entire line of dialogue so we can see how
they're used in *Klingon* sentences.

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From: "Marc Okrand" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: startrek.expertforum
Subject: Re: Marc Okrand
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 01:27:57 -0400

[email protected] wrote ...
>As I specified in my original post, the purpose of getting the phrase
>was to incorporate it into a story I am writing.  I do appreciate the
>response and help, but everything I have gotten so far, while it may
>be correct for conversational Klingon, does not fit the blank space I
>have left in my story for it.
> [snip]
>Klingon insults a federation officer in Klingon. Federation officer ignores
>him. Klingon says to other klingons in Fed standard "He does not even know
>when he has been insulted."
>Federation officer: "I cannot be insulted by (a) ________________.

Seems to me that the phrase that best fills in the blank ("I cannot be
insulted by (a) _______") is the one suggested a while back by both SuStel
and Qermaq:

yIH ngaghwI'

(I'd leave the "a" in the English: "I cannot be insulted by a yIH ngaghwI'.")

If this is translated as "one who mates with a tribble," perhaps it sounds
too formal or clinical (in English, not in Klingon) to function as a curse
or insult.  If it's translated "tribble mater-wither" or something like
that, it has a somewhat better tone, but it's questionable English and
therefore lacks punch.  But English isn't the issue here; Klingon is, and,
unless I'm missing the point, /yIH ngaghwI'/ should work.  I trust that, in
the story, the Federation officer who utters the phrase is prepared for what
the Klingon may do next.

----------------------  End Forwarded Message  ----------------------

Voragh                          "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons    lis est."        - Horace, Ars Poetica

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