tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 03 13:44:25 1998

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Re: KLBC: rep

Am/Um 15:33 01.07.98 -0700 schrieben Sie:

>I'm afraid we don't know how to ask the time.  On the tape Power
I hope we will one day!
tugh De'vam wISov 'e' vItul.

>|     Check out time is five A.M.
>|       vagh rep bImejnIS
Can we see that as "AT five o'clock..."?
Why not {vaghvatlh rep}??

>We (Voragh and I and no doubt others) suspect the correct question
>involves {'ar} "how many?"  xperience with other languages tells me
>it's not something I can guess, though.
French: {Quelle heure est-il?} "which hour is he (=it)?"
German: {Wieviel Uhr ist es?} "how much hour is it?" (not "many", and no
Dutch: {Hoe laat is het?} "how late is it?"
English: {What time is it?} "what time is it?"
Klingon: could be something really short, like {nuqneH} or {nuqjatlh}.

>?wa'maH loS rep wejmaH
I would say ?{wa'maH loSvatlh wejmaH rep} for "fourteen hundred thirty hours"

>Those are purely guesses.

Qapla' quv je
Quvar muHwI'

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