tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 01 14:45:17 1998

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Re: KLBC: rep

---Quvar muHwI' <[email protected]> wrote:
> 1) How do I ask the time in Klingon?

I'm afraid we don't know how to ask the time.  On the tape Power
Klingon Okrand discusses how to TELL the time, but not how to ask it. 
I even consulted Voragh, Canon Master to check if it was there and I
had forgotten.  He provided: 

| six hundred hours [i.e. 0600]
|       javvatlh rep
|     noon (twelve hundred hours)
|       cha'maH wa'vatlh rep (sic!)
|       [wa'maH cha'vatlh rep (correct)]
|     midnight (zero hours)
|       pagh rep
|     seven P.M. (nineteen hundred hours)
|       wa'maH Hutvatlh rep
|     Check out time is five A.M.
|       vagh rep bImejnIS

We (Voragh and I and no doubt others) suspect the correct question
involves {'ar} "how many?"  xperience with other languages tells me
it's not something I can guess, though.

'What time is it?' can mean what time is it now, or what time does
something happen.  Try one of:

ghorgh qaS?
ghorgh jISaHnIS?
ratlh tup 'ar?
rep yIngu'.
rep yIjatlh.

> 2) How do I tell the time?

As you can see from above, Klingons use the 24 hour clock, and speak
in terms of hours.  We don't know for sure how to say "twenty to" or
"quarter of" of "five past."  Kloingons having adopted our method of
telling time after the dial clock became somewhat obsolete, they
probably just say 

?wa'maH loS rep wejmaH


?wa'maH loS rep wejmaH tup

Those are purely guesses.

> by the way, what is the word for "time"???

As Voragh says:
| [We lack] a word for "time" in the abstract, 
| temporal, "river of time" sense.  All we have is 
| {poH} for the verb "to time" and
| the noun {poH} for a *period* of time, used in 
| several phrases:
|     poH nI'                  "a long time" KGT
|     DIS poH (also DISpoH)    (for a period of years)
|     vatlh DIS poH            "century" KGT 
|     HovpoH                   "Stardate"
|     lespoH                   "shore leave"
|     puq poH                  "generation"

> DaH *germany*Daq ...blabla ... wa'maHjav vatlh rep. 

wa'maH javvatlh rep

> 3) wa' ben --- wa'Hu' --- wa' rep nuq ???
> {wa'maH chorgh ben jIbogh.}
> "18 years ago I am born."
> {wa'maH chorgh Hu' jIboghpu'}
> "18 days ago I was born"
> {DaHjaj vay' DaSopta''a'}
> {HIja'. vagh *hours ago* qagh vISopta'}

And again: don't know.  You can express it by giving the exact time.

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