tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 15 19:15:24 1998

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Re: pIqaD question, and thanks to all

> My next question pertains to the pIqaD font that I have downloaded. I
> remember where I got it, but bascially, the capital letters look like
> found at I want to make sure that as I
> translate, I am getting the case of the lettering correct. I need some
> assurance that the lettering in that gif is the capital letters for
> and that I should be using lowercase accordingly. Alas, I have no
> map for the lowercase pIaqD characters, so I can't be entirely sure that
> what I'm looking at is correct. I have not been able to find one on the
> www, either.

If the font you are referring to is the KlingonTNG font then there is a way
of converting the Klingon that is in English letters to the Klingon
characters in this font.  The Klingon characters have a symbol for "tlh"
and "ng" so these need to be translated from English script into the
correct character in Klingon script.

I have written a very quick (read: only originally intended for my personal
use) program to convert standard Klingon text into the characters used in
this font.  It will convert "tlh" and the other non-single character groups
into the correct symbols and all of the other letters into the correct
symbols.  It does not yet do numbers.  This will happen later.  There is no
user guide or help file and some of  the menus don't work 100% so you will
have to use it "as is"
If you would like this program send me an e-mail at [email protected]
(or [email protected]) and I will send you it.

Ian Wilkinson

By Friday I might have it finished (ie "Save as" menu to work etc). 
Included will be the dll's and font file (maybe a help file if I can be
bothered).  Please say if you can not unzip Zip files.  If this is the case
I  will send it as separate files.
If you E-mail me by the end of Friday I will send it to you then, as I will
be away from the net for about 3 weeks from Saturday I will not be able to
send you a copy after Friday until about the 9th/10th of Jan.  I live in
England so end of Friday is 23:59 GMT.

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