tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 30 18:00:54 1998

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Re: KLBC: lengmey

At 14:01 98-04-30 -0700, HovqIj wrote:

}> }DaHjaj teHbogh lut Huj vIQoy.
}> }QoQ yupma' wISuch wIneH juppu'wI' jIH je. jIHvaD jatlhtaHvIS wa' jup
}> }pay' vay' qaw. Do'Ha' qaSDI' yupma' DachtaH.
}> {qaStaHvIS yupma'} would make more sense, because you mean over the duration
}> of the festival, during the festival.
}Hmmm... I don't know. When I wrote this I considered the festival a point
of time in
}relation to my friend's being absent which I considered a period of time.
Thus I get
}something like <When the point of time comes at which the festival happens, the
}state of her will be that she is absent (before the festival, during the
fesival and
}after the festival)> So the duration of the festival itself isn't really
}but the duration of her being absent is. I DO choose my words deliberately
}sometimes... but my deliberations can get very confusing...

I see your logic, but I still prefer {-taHvIS}. The {-DI'} suffix means "as
soon as, when" so you're saying "as soon as the festival happens, my friend
will be away."   It kind of suggests that she won't be away until it
happens.  Also the "point in time" implication of {-DI'} almost conflicts
with the duration implied in {DachtaH}.  {-DI'} vs. {-vIS} is not related to
perfective vs. imperfective: they just have different roles.  
}Good advice. I didn't know {quq}. I'm trying to learn the whole vocabulary,
but I
}just completed learning all words from b to H in TKD. Learning in
alphabetical order
}is probably not the best way to learn, but I have to make a lot of
annotations to my
}dictionary anyway, so I can do both at the same time.

That's exactly how I started learning the vocabulary.  I think I got to
{gh}.  Even today if you ask me an obscure word in the first part of the
alphabet, like {ghaq} or {ghatlh}, I'll get it faster than one from the end,
like {'ov} and {'um}.

}OKOKOK... I *tried* to make clear which clauses belong together by using a
}between part B and C, but obviously this didn't work. I tend to write too long
}sentences. The next time I'll just write { DuSaQDaq SaHnIStaHvIS jupwI' qaS
}DIlnISbe'bogh. ghaHvaD qay'.} No nasty three clauses, no problems.

majQa'. :)  Klingon just plain old has short sentences. It's not a trick to
get around not speaking Klingon that well: it's correct Klingon. I have a
friend who learned English really well as a second language and was striving
to speak perfect, educated English.  She used long convoluted sentences,
just as she would in her native language, and avoided the short baby
sentences.  It took a while for her to realize that normal, educated English
sentences were shorter, and the length of hers was making her sound foreign!

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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