tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 27 13:40:04 1998

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I've been trying lately to post something in Klingon weekly (I know I
missed at least one week, when I was on vacation, but this is what
I'm striving for).  My challenge to you is:

If you consider yourself a regular participant on this list, commit
yourself to posting one Klingon post a week (pagh was trying for a daily
post for a while, but that may be too ambitious).  We'll all get
practice writing, and we'll all have some interesting reading to
look forward to each week.

Post whatever you want: stories, jokes, descriptions of your weekend,
thoughts, ruminations, whatever.  It doesn't have to have a plot or
a punchline (but it could, if you want it to). Post at your level: if 
you're a beginner, post simple things.  If you are more advanced, post
accordingly.  The posts don't have to be long; 5 - 6 sentences would be fine.

I know that charghwI', especially, has encouraged people to do more writing.
I'm merely adding the discipline of committing yourself to doing it.
I'm hereby renewing my committment to post at least one Klingon message 
per week, and I'm inviting you to do the same!

-- ter'eS     

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