tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 12 16:56:37 1998

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Re: Top Gun KLBC

At 15:25 98-04-12 -0700, Tim Hagg wrote:
}For some reason I was thinking about the above movie.  I remembered the
}description of the winning pilot as, "the best of the best" and I wondered if
}that could be  rendered into tlhIngan Hol.  Here is my stab;
}<Top Gun> ghojwI'pu' po' law' Hoch po' puS  <Iceman> po' law' 'e' po' puS
}I like the 'e' construction better than just using them;

You do not undersand the SAO construction.  The word {'e'} is a pronoun that
represents the immediately preceding sentence when that sentence acts as the
object of the next verb.  SENTENCE as OBJECT.  This is its ONLY use.  It
does not ever mean "them."  

You may not use {'e'} as you have above because: 
1. the following verb {po'} is intransitive, hence takes no object at all,
2. inside the special {law'/puS} construction, there is no preceding
sentence for the {'e'} to represent.
3. the {law'/puS} construction is completely unique and cannot be altered
except in prescribed ways.

}<Top Gun> ghojwI'pu' po' law' Hoch po' puS  <Iceman> po' law' chaH po' puS

This is grammatical, and most people would probably figure out the
antecedent of {chaH}.

}because it seems to raises his skill to another level.  
}But I'm writing the BG because my likes have often lead me astray.  So how
}would a Klingon say, "The best of the best"?

Klingon tools for the overdone superlative give us something like:
{nIvqu'chu'qu' *Iceman*}
{*Iceman* po' law' nIvwI'pu' po' puS}.
{nIvwI'pu' luqellu'DI' nIv *Iceman*} 

I invite you to write me five sentences using {'e'} correctly.  

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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