tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 12 19:44:03 1998

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Re: Top Gun KLBC

Qov answers Tim Hagg:

|You may not use {'e'} as you have above because: 
|1. the following verb {po'} is intransitive, hence takes no object at all,
|2. inside the special {law'/puS} construction, there is no preceding
|   sentence for the {'e'} to represent.
|3. the {law'/puS} construction is completely unique and cannot be altered
|   except in prescribed ways.
|}<Top Gun> ghojwI'pu' po' law' Hoch po' puS  <Iceman> po' law' chaH po' puS
|This is grammatical, and most people would probably figure out the
|antecedent of {chaH}.
|}So how would a Klingon say, "The best of the best"?

Okrand used a similar complex law'/puS sentence in SkyBox card S7 which may
help you here and bears careful study: 

    DujvamDaq tlhIngan nuH tu'lu'bogh pov law' Hoch pov puS 'ej 
    DujvamDaq 'op SuvwI' tu'lu'bogh po' law' tlhIngan yo' SuvwI' 
    law' po' puS.

    It [the IKV Pagh] has the best weapons and some of the finest 
    warriors in the Klingon fleet.


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