tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 12 15:18:27 1998

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Top Gun KLBC

For some reason I was thinking about the above movie.  I remembered the
description of the winning pilot as, "the best of the best" and I wondered if
that could be  rendered into tlhIngan Hol.  Here is my stab;

<Top Gun> ghojwI'pu' po' law' Hoch po' puS  <Iceman> po' law' 'e' po' puS

I like the 'e' construction better than just using them;

<Top Gun> ghojwI'pu' po' law' Hoch po' puS  <Iceman> po' law' chaH po' puS

because it seems to raises his skill to another level.  

But I'm writing the BG because my likes have often lead me astray.  So how
would a Klingon say, "The best of the best"?


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