tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 03 01:51:40 1998

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Thus {ghoj} and {ghojmoH} each get counted, because each is found
in TKD.  {bel} and {belHa'} both appear

Just a question, I'm sure you must have answered this before but please,
one more time.

Are words like ghojmoH, belHa' and muSHa' actual words or do we count
them as useful constructions.  Suppose I wanted to say 'Teach yourself!'
Would I say ghoj'eghmoH *Cause yourself to learn* or ghojmoH'egh *Teach

In my opinion the latter, despite being grammatically incorrect, is
easier to understand if you have learned ghojmoH as a separate word. It
is not that much of a jump to assume it is a separate word which has
been created for convenience rather than a construct.

Words with -Ha' are not affected by the above postulation, but are they
words in their own right too?

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