tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 25 10:30:15 1996

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Re: (KLBC) TLHINGAN-HOL digest 647


I yanked this under the KLBC for two reasons...

One, I reconized the original thread to which you were responding was under
this header.

And two, you made some basic grammar mistakes, which leads me to believe
either you are new to the language, or don't speak it often.  I hope you
don't mind.

At 02:36 AM 8/23/96 -0700, Dixon wrote:
>majQa' paq laD jIloS loSDIch
>very good. I am looking fourth to reading the book.

A period seperating the two sentences would have been useful.  Putting
<majQa'> on a seperate line still would have made it better still. {{:)

Unfortunately, you have mis-used "forth", both in English, and very much in
Klingon.  <loSDIch> means "fourth (item in a sequence)".  For example,
"This is my fourth post."  The word "forth", which is used in the expression
"to look forth" is another (archaic?) word for "forward", and has nothing
whatsoever to do with the word "fourth" other than they are pronounced the
same.  <loSDIch> is superfluous, and doesn't belong in the sentence at all.

Once you take out <loSDIch>, you have a very GOOD attempt here.  Using
<loS>("to wait" was a good re-cast for "looking forward"!  You even have the
right verb prefix, jI- ("I" subject, no object).  The only other error I see
that <laD> is a verb hanging out there in the middle of your sentence with
no purpose (well, it has a purpose... it just doesn't look like it from a
Klingon-language-grammar point of view).

"To reading" is a form of a verb in the infinative form (I think... I admit
my English grammar is not nearly as good as my Klingon!).  In English, we
would just take the verb, put "to" in front of it, and that is that.
Unfortunately, this doesn't translate so hot into Klingon... you have to
spell the whole thing out.  What you are REALLY saying here is:  "I am
waiting (in order that I) read the book."  the phrase "in order that" is a
signal that you are doing a purpose clause, which are descrbed on pages
64-65 of your Klingon Dictionary (KD).  You still need to have the proper
verb prefix on your verb ("I" read "the book"-- "I/it".  That's vI-).  You
also need the type-9 verb suffix, -meH on your verb... AND, the whole
structure has to go in front of what it is modifying... which is where you
already have <laD>, so all we have to do to your sentence is attach teh
prefix and suffix:

        majQa'.  paq vIlaDmeH jIloS

And there you go!  Excellent job, even if you made a few mistakes!



HoD trI'Qal, tlhIngan wo' Duj lIy So' ra'wI'
Captain T'rkal, Commander IKV Hidden Comet
Klingon speaker and net junkie!
HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH... qatlh HaghtaH Qanqor HoD???
monlI'bogh tlhInganbe' yIvoqQo'!  SoHvaD monlI' trI'Qal...

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