tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 17 02:32:09 1996

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KLBC: Back from qep'a with questions

Lets' try :

DuHoHbe' qep'a' 'ej DaH yInwIjDaq vIcheghpu'
{USA} Dopvo' wIleng 'ej DopDaq latlh wIpaw 'e' QaQ 'ej tlhaQ
'oHmey law' 'ej poH QaQwItIv

To the point, a couple of notes that came up after the qep'a' :

I was trying to translate "This is the first time I see a ferengi",
and avoiding using "poH wa'DIch" after seeing the discussion. Came up
with {DaH verengan vIlegh 'e' qaSbe'pu'} hopefully meaning "Now I see
a ferengi, that has not happened before" (this ofcourse refers to the 
salesman at the qep'a' with the band-aids {naghHom ram 'oH yabDaj}).

And "You're growing older but not weaker" {bIqanchoH 'ach bIpujchoHbe'}

How would one use say a thing is fast/slow ? The words for these
concepts are adverbs, so I would guess that {nom puv targhwIj} would
say "my targh flies fast" (pigs in space?), but what in a {law'/puS}
construction ? 

I can't recall ever seeing an example of several verbs after a noun,
in the sense of several adjectives. Is a sentence like {Duj SuD
lam}="the dirty green ship" accepted ?

Could one make {bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh} into {jegh pagh Hegh}
(clipped and short) ?

And btw, will anyone accept {jIHaw'meH Duj'e' vIlota' nIHlu'} as
"someone has stolen the ship in which I fled" (yes, back to the

bIQ rapQo' qa'vIn 'ej meq Sovbej De'wI'tejna'...

DaH rIn jabbI'ID

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