tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 15 16:57:57 1996

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RE: PK opening scene question

I haven't had time to read all my EMAIL, stupid authority group reviews are 
monopolizing my time.  Glen Proechel sent me what he heard to be the opening 
dialogue from the Power Klingon tape awhile ago so I looked though my stuff 
and thought I'd post it.  I was suppose to put it in the Interstellar Language 
School's news letter, but didn't have room and kind of lost track of it.


Bartender:  nuqneH!

Terran:  'IH jaj, qar'a'?

Bartender:  jISaHbe'.

Terran:   bISaHbe'!
             qatlh jatlh?
             ja',  SoHvo' vay' vIje' vIneH.

Bartender:   tugh!
                  bIje'be'chugh,  vaj bIHegh!

                  quvwIj DatIchpu',  tera'ngan!
                  bIyIntaH  'e'  Dachoqbe' !

Terran:   yIja'choH!

*******   Translation   ******

Bartender:   Waddya want?

Terran:  Beautiful (nice) day isn't it?
            May we talk?

Bartender:  I don't care.

Terran:   You don't care!
              Why do yo say that?
              Say,  I want to buy something from you.

Bartender:  Hurry up!
                 Buy or die!

                 You have insulted my honor Earthling!
                 You won't preserve your continued living!

Terran:   Start talking!
             That...tell me...

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