tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 16 10:09:54 1996

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Re: PK opening scene question


>Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 17:03:31 -0700
>From: "Kenneth Traft" <[email protected]>

>I haven't had time to read all my EMAIL, stupid authority group reviews are 
>monopolizing my time.  Glen Proechel sent me what he heard to be the opening 
>dialogue from the Power Klingon tape awhile ago so I looked though my stuff 
>and thought I'd post it.  I was suppose to put it in the Interstellar Language 
>School's news letter, but didn't have room and kind of lost track of it.

I remember chatting about stuff heard on tapes with Glen on the phone
now and then... And occasionally I'd wonder if we were actually listening
to the same tape!  Or if one or both of us needed to check his hearing.

>Bartender:  nuqneH!
Well, dilithium merchant.

>Terran:  'IH jaj, qar'a'?
>       majatlhchuqjaj.

I don't have the tape here, but I generally have a fairly good memory for
sounds.  Still, I'm working all from memory here, and so take it with
appropriate condiments.  I'm pretty sure I remember this as
"maja'chuqjaj".  The meaning is about the same though.

>Terran:   bISaHbe'!
>	qatlh jatlh?

There was definitely SOME prefix on "jatlh".  It sounded like "bI-" to me.
But there was definitely another syllable.

>	ja',  SoHvo' vay' vIje' vIneH.

Distinctly "chaq".  And it's typical Terran logic: why do you say you don't
care?  Maybe I'll want to buy something here (and so you shouldn't insult

>Bartender:   tugh!
>	     bIje'be'chugh,  vaj bIHegh!

Yeah, the "SSS" sound almost could be a door-opening sound-effect; I was
never sure of that.

>	     quvwIj DatIchpu',  tera'ngan!
>	     bIyIntaH  'e'  Dachoqbe' !

Interesting!  Maybe it's I who needs that ear exam.  I never thought of
"choq" here.  It's the best explanation I've heard so far.

>Terran:   yIja'choH!

Sounded definitely like "yIjotchoH", which also fits the sense better.  The
Terran is portrayed as ignorant of Klingon custom, he wouldn't think to try
buying someone to avoid the obviously annoyed merchant's wrath.  He'd try
to talk his way out, to calm the person down first.

>	Dochvetlh...HIja'...

Never sounded like "HIja'" to me... but hell, could have been anything.  I
tended to think of it as a start to "yIta'Qo'" (don't do that!), but he
never got to the "Qo'" (or even the ').


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