tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 16 04:00:41 1996

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Re: PK opening scene question

<Glen Proechel>vo' <Kenneth Taft> lo'taHvIS:
> Bartender:  nuqneH!
> Terran:  'IH jaj, qar'a'?
>             majatlhchuqjaj.
> Bartender:  jISaHbe'.
> Terran:   bISaHbe'!
>              qatlh jatlh?
>              ja',  SoHvo' vay' vIje' vIneH.
Have him listen again.  It's clearly "maja'chuqjaj" in the Terran's
first line,
and "chaq" before the "SoHvo'" in the last line.  Also, there's a
prefix {moHaqna'} on {jatlh} in the Terran's second bit; it's just not
what that prefix is.

Oh, and the Klingon is not a bartender - he's a trader in dilithium.

>                   bIyIntaH  'e'  Dachoqbe'!
Aah!  Now {Dachoqbe'} makes sense!  It's hard to say a {qb} without
a small unstressed vowel, and the juxtaposition of a voiced and a
consonant would explain why the {b} sounded like a {p}.  It doesn't
why the {ch} sounded like a {Q}, but this is the closest I've seen to
that both makes sense and almost fits the pronunciation on the tape -
listen to it again with this in mind.

> Terran:   yIja'choH!
{jot}, not {ja'}.

>              Dochvetlh...HIja'...
No way is that {HIja'}.  Probably {vItlhap} or {yItlhap}.

> *******   Translation   ******
> Bartender:   Whaddaya want?
> Terran:  Beautiful (nice) day isn't it?
!             Let's talk!
The "may" implied by the {jaj} in {maja'chuqjaj} does not correspond to
English "may" of permission; "let's" is a better translation - although
Terran inflected it as a question, indicating that he perhaps *thought*
of it
as the English "may" of permission.  Which is why I commented on this in
my original post.

> Bartender:  I don't care.
> Terran:   You don't care!
>               Why do you say that?
!              Perhaps I want to buy something from you.
> Bartender:  Hurry up!  Buy or die!  You have insulted my honor, Terran;
>      you won't preserve your life.
Given that we have {bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh} for "Surrender or die!", 
"Buy or die!" is a valid translation here.  But I think it comes off
sloganish, whereas the intent of the Klingon on the tape is quite
literal and personally directed at the Terran.  I think a literal "If
you don't buy, then you will die." conveys the feeling better.
! Terran:   Calm down!
!              I'll take that!  (or "Take that!")
>              aaargh!

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