tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 12 05:41:07 1996

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Re: Greek vs. Aramaic

ghItlh A. Aplleyard:
> Greek <is> the original language of the New Testament. Jesus preached in
> Aramaic; but we only have a few of his words in Aramaic, the rest in Greek.

     Perhaps, but there is evidence that at least part of the time he spoke
Greek.  1) It would be logcial for him to do so, since Greek was the Lingua
Franca of the empire.  2) He was educated (a rabbi) and would certainly have
known Greek.  3) Some of the things he said give evidence of having been said
in Greek.  In particular, the "renduer unto Caesar" passage contains a wordplay
that works in Greek, but not in Hebrew or Aramaic.

taDI'oS vIq, law'wI'pu'vaD Holtej jIH
|  Thaddaeus A. Vick, Linguist to the Masses   | mailto: [email protected]  -or-  |
|                                              |         [email protected]     |
|  gules, on a saltire argent voided azure,    |                              |
|  thirteen mullets of the second. Yeeha.      |   |

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