tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 15 04:50:08 1995

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Hi there!
  I've been reading this group for a while now and I though it was about
time to contribute something.  I dont know if anyone here has studied
Old English poetry so I sat down and translated the first twenty lines
of Beowulf (ghItlh Beyowulve) as a challange for myself.  Comments
please, I do not think the grammar is entirely without improvement. If
there is any interest in the rest of the poem I have a total of 3182
lines to translate.  I hope the gist of it will be understood without a
translation into modern English.

  toH!  jaj tIQ HoS qumwI'pu' la'mey *Dene-mo' DIQoypu', toDuj luqeqbogh
joHpu'vetlh tIgh'e'.
  pIj qaS jaghpu'vo' quSmey HIq nge' *SIlDe Seyving, qaS Sungpu'vo';
*'erol HajmoH, wa'logh pagh ghajbogh lutu'lu'DI'; vaj pop noblu': logh
bIng qanmoH, batlhvaD chep, lobnISpa' Hoch ba'wI'pu' pa' bIQ'a' Hur,
ghaHDaq van lunob: la'quv QaQ loDvetlh!  vaj bo'DIjDaq Qup'e' bogh
puqloD loDvetlhvaD, popvaD ngeHpu'bogh joH'a', Seng'a'mo' legh, wa'logh
poH nI'vaD la'quv ghajbe'bogh SIQ; ghaHvaD quv qo' nob joh'a' yIn,
che'wI' batlh; noy *beyo - noyqu' batlh puq SIlDe, *SeDen-Daq. Vaj
QaQnISmoH loD Qup, nobmey mIp'e', QorghtaHvis vav, poH ghoSDI' veS QaH
juppu'vam QaQqu', qumwi'chaj toy'jaj 'e'; chepnIS loD Qapmeyvo'.

Wes hal! yIpIv!
 Life is short,                            [email protected] am I.

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