tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 17 15:11:52 1995

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Re: }} A Q law' B Q puS

>From: "William H. Martin" <[email protected]>
>Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 12:04:00 -0400 (EDT)

>According to Riku Anttila:
>> In TKD 6.6. it says that "A and B are the two things being compared".
>> What exactly qualifies as a "thing"?
>> Until I saw ST6, I was under the impression that only nouns (or pronouns)
>> could be compared, but I'm quite positive that in the scene where Azetbur's
>> generals are trying to convince her that it would be better to start a war,
>> brigadier Kerla, his lines being "Better to die on our feet, than living on
>> our knees...!", says, although badly pronouncing, {QamvIS Hegh QaQ law'
>> torvIS yIn QaQ puS}.
>> How am I to interpret this? Is a clause allowed inside the construction
>> or does -vIS without -taH work in the manner of -meH?

>Well, this is just another one of those little pieces of canon
>we hear, we wince and then we struggle to explain. First of
>all, using {-vIS} without {taH} is, so far as we've heard from
>Okrand, simply an error. He has made no pronouncements that it
>is okay to do this under any circumstances, unless, of course,
>you are in one of Paramount's movies or TV shows...

Definitely agree with you here.  This sounds like one of those "instant
dialects" actors and script-editors and assorted circumstances tend to

>> (ie. {ja'chuqmeH rojHom} = A truce in order to confer =>
>>      {QamvIS Hegh}       = Death while standing?)

>Ummmm. I can see how you got the first example from TKD.
>Unfortunately, I really don't like Okrand's explanation of that
>particular point. Seeing the sentence as a whole in the
>example, I would not have associated {ja'chuqmeH} with the noun
>{rojHom} so much as with the verb {neH}.

I see where you're going with this, and I used to think the same.  But I
don't now.  In fact, I have occasionally made definite use of "-meH"
modifying a noun, based on this piece of canon.  At first I took it the
same way you did, but I was talking about it with Krankor once, wondering
if it was legit, and he said "Of course it is!"  Took a look in TKD, page
64, section 6.2.4:

  "The purpose clause always precedes the -=>*NOUN*<=- or verb whose
   purpose it is decribing." (slight emphasis added).

So it looks like Okrand intends to permit "-meH" to describe nouns.

>> I would assume that the -meH thing would fit fine inside law'/puS.

>It would, but for different reasons. Again, it relates to the
>verb, not the noun, in my opinion.

Yes... or it modifies nouns.

>> Summaring everything in a single sentence, is it legal to say
>> {batlh Hegh QaQ law' QIt ramchoH QaQ puS} for
>> "It's better to die with honor than slowly become irrelevant"




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