tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 07 23:37:32 1995

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Re: }} How's this?

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Jim Boniface writes:
> Hegh yIrI'Qo'. pe'vIl DuyaHtaHvIS Hugh yIqIptaH
> Any suggests/comments/tearing it to bits would be appreciated.

I've recently been reminded that the adverbs don't always have to come at
the beginning of the sentence.  With that in mind, I read this as "While
[he] is forcefully carrying you away, be hitting the throat."  If that's
what you meant, fine.  If not, the adverb should be moved to modify the
appropriate verb.

My feeling for what {rI'} means doesn't quite fit this phrase.  I would use
"hail" for an attempt to initiate communication with someone who isn't yet
paying attention to you, sort of like "page (over a public-address system)"
or "call out to."  In this case, Death is assumed to be approaching and
already quite focused on you.  "Greet" is not easily translated as a
straight replacement of words.

By the way, I think it ought to say "his throat."

 -- ghunchu'wI'

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