tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 21 17:53:34 1995

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My name is Daniel W. Morse, aka peHruS.

In HolQed 4:1 appeared an article of mine regarding the Federation Standard
concept of “about.”

Since that article had been submitted to the KLI, it was subject to editing.
 Although it appeared virtually as I had submitted it in a letter to the
editor, I now make this disclaimer regarding the following submission to this
LISTSERV:  This is a direct submission which has not been subject to anyone's
editing.  Please review and discuss.  Do not accept as canon.

I have deliberately included (peHpu' ????) a couple of sentences which I
anticipate will draw out some discussion.  I am looking forward to hearing
from you all.

This article deals with the Federation Standard concept “with.”

Soj vISoppmeH taj vIlo'  I eat with a knife.
Qujchuq loDHompu'  The boys play with each other.
moQHom Quj loDHom  The boys play with the ball.
tlhongqach lughoS Hoch loDHom be'Hom je  The girls go with the boys to the
mInDu' ghajmo' ghot Dochmey leghlaH ghaH  A man sees with his eyes.
pey bIQ je DuDpu' yaS  The officer mixed the acid with the water.
paQDI'norgh ghojtaH ghojwI'pu' 'e' jeS puqbe'ma'  Our daughter joined in with
the students studying the teachings.
qaSDI' ramjep vaj naHHom mojpu' DujDaj  With the coming of midnight, her
carriage turned into a little vegetable.
nItlhDajDaq Qeb ghajbe'taHvIS be'vetlh leghpu'mo' Human vaj nayta' be' 'e'
Sovbe' ghaH  Because he saw the woman without her ring on her finger, the man
did not know the woman was married.

The next part deals with the FS concept “against.”

jaghpu'Daj Suv ghaH  He fights against his enemies.
qach'a' muppu' QujwI'pu' moQHom  The players' ball struck against the
naghvetlh retlhDaq 'oH nav'e'  The paper is right up against the rock.
ghaH par Hoch vay'  Everyone is against him.
SuS'a' SuvtaHvIS puv Duj  The vessel flies against the wind.
qachDop HottaH DubDaj  His back is against the wall.
wa' HIgh vagh  It was five against one.
Heghta' jav ghotmeywIj 'ej [Heghta'] cha'maHwa' ghotmeylIj  The score is
twenty-one against six, my favor!
reH HIq tlhutlh loDpu' 'e' luQoch  They are against alcoholism.
Hoch wanI' Qatlhqu' jeymo' Hovtay chu' tu' 'ejyo' loDpu'  Against all odds
the Starfleet personnel discovered the new star system.
pIj verengan SutlhtaHghach ngermey morgh ghaH  He commonly spoke out against
the Ferengi negotiation methods.
chab baHpu' 'ej qachDop mup puq mach  The little child threw the tart against
the wall.

muvqangtaHbe'vIS loDHompu'vetlh muvmoH yaS qej  The mean officer recruited
the boys against their will.

I'd like some of us to tackle the FS concept “facing.”  How about “in front
of” and “behind”?

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