tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 17 13:28:42 1995

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Re: Fresh blood - 'Iw chu'

"William H. Martin" <[email protected]> writes:
\ If you do just what it says and you can't get out, I'd suggest
\ writing to the list at large. It is embarrassing to the folks
\ there to be nagged by these messages and within a day or two,
\ they will most likely take you off even if the automatic
\ process doesn't work.

That's not very good advice, since the vast majority of the readers of
the list are powerless to do anything about it.   Mail to
[email protected] should go to the list maintainers,
so that's a better place to send the mail.  Annoying the rest of the list
doesn't accomplish anything (except maybe cause us to put more pressure
on Jay et al. to fix it . . . but if he/they aren't responding to email,
it's probably because they're busy elsewhere, and not because they're
ignoring the mail.  So filling up their mailboxes with more requests that
aren't getting read doesn't seem likely to fix anything either...)

I've seen a hell of a lot of requests like this sent to the list, which
would seem to suggest that there's something wrong with the automatic
removal process.  Either it doesn't work, or doesn't work reliably, or the
directions aren't clear enough - or else everyone who can't use it just
can't follow directions in general, doesn't know where to get the directions,
or is too lazy to bother trying.  We can't do much about laziness or inability
to follow directions, but any of the other options should be repairable . . .

Mark J. Reed
Email: [email protected] - Voice: +1 404 315 6296 x158 - Fax: +1 404 315 0293
SecureWare, Inc. / 2957 Clairmont Rd Suite 200 / Atlanta GA 30329-1647

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