tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 17 12:43:19 1995

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Re: Fresh blood - 'Iw chu'

According to Prof. Filch:
> Since you are the do I write a note to 
> [email protected] to unsubscribe from this list.  Me and several other 
> people have the same problem.  It seems that either the directions you 
> have given to unsubscribe are incorect or your automated list server is 
> NOT functioning.  Please answer this to me personally or publically...I do
> not care.  Just get me off this list.  Thank you!!
>         Patrick Vaculin [email protected]
Oops. Well, first, I'm not a grammarian. Marc Schoulson (a.k.a.
~mark, a.k.a. Seqram) is, despite appearances, the main
grammarian. Krankor is also, despite even MORE rare
appearances, a grammarian. I'm the recently retired Beginner's
Grammarian (a rotating post). I just write a lot.

I'd love to solve your problem, but I can't. ~mark and Jay (The
Whispering Wolf, Elf-Chief and probably a few other names) run
the list. The directions are supposed to work, though you do
have to be careful about case for the address.

If you do just what it says and you can't get out, I'd suggest
writing to the list at large. It is embarrassing to the folks
there to be nagged by these messages and within a day or two,
they will most likely take you off even if the automatic
process doesn't work.


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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