tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 14 05:24:41 1995

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Fresh blood - 'Iw chu'

tlhIngan Hol BBSDaq vIchu'
nIteb mang Hol vIghojtaH
DaH vIqeqlaH

This is my first posting to tlhIngan-Hol (of many, I'm sure).  I've been
learning tlhIngan Hol in solitude (as I'm sure most of were at first) but now
I can hone my skills.  A little about myself - I'm a chemical engineer,
married, 2 kids (who both mastered bIjatlh 'e' yImev very quickly!)  I don't
yet have a tlhIngan name. (is it required?)

I just read the welcoming transmission nd was a little confused by the
following statement:

> I don't expect rudeness to be a problem on the tlhIngan-Hol list, but I
won't allow
> it to become one, either.

I thought tlhInganpu' were rude (OK, curt) by nature.  I assume this
prohibition does not apply to mu'qaD veS.  :-)

It must be difficult adhering to a fixed lexicon.  There are so many things I
want to say but there are no words available.  At some point, tlhIngan Hol
will become larger than KLI, Paramount, or even (dare I say it) Okrand
himself.  At that point it will truly become a living language with new words
being introduced or adapted as necessary.  But until that time, I will
continue to expand my dictionary as "proper" words make themselves known to

Brad Wilson

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