tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 27 09:27:43 1994

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Re: To upload or not to upload

Hu'tegh! nuq ja' Mark E. Shoulson jay'?

=>From: David Starr <[email protected]>

=>I think I understand.   I did not know that there is a Klingon poetry 
=>book for the next question....where can I buy it???

=It's not available and it's not for sale.  

No, but there *will* be poetry aplenty in the Shakespearean works to be
published by the KLI, drafts of which are available on our ftp site

=The discussion here hinges on a
=file that Nick Nicholas has prepared: just a list of the Klingon words in
=order by the *ends* of the words, i.e. in an order such that "rhyming"
=words are near each other in the lexicon (for some definition of "rhyming";
=probably a fairly English-y one).  

Rhyme is rhyme; the definition of rhyme is not at issue. If anything *is*
at issue, it's whether rhyme is relevant to Klingon poetics. Until a Klingon
pops along, taps me on the shoulder, and tells me otherwise, I will continue
to use it; for a alliterative alternative to rhyme, see the Hecuba speech 
in my translation of Hamlet.

Incidentally, I'm going to resort the file so that now it's a true rhyming
list. It's still not getting published, but if you want the code and have
a word list, I'll make the code available.


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