tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 27 03:18:11 1994

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To upload or not to upload

>From: David Starr <[email protected]>
>Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 22:12:53 -0400 (EDT)

>I think I understand.   I did not know that there is a Klingon poetry 
>book for the next question....where can I buy it???

It's not available and it's not for sale.  The discussion here hinges on a
file that Nick Nicholas has prepared: just a list of the Klingon words in
order by the *ends* of the words, i.e. in an order such that "rhyming"
words are near each other in the lexicon (for some definition of "rhyming";
probably a fairly English-y one).  The question under discussion is whether
or not it would be permissible to make that file available for public use,
or whether that would infringe on the copyright of the Klingon dictionary.

>Yes, I do believe Mark would support us....I would love to see him come 
>aboard the Internet!

Wouldn't we all.  But (a) we can't assume he'd supprt us just because we
think so, and (b) it may not even be up to him (the copyright is held by
Paramount, after all).  Me, I'm no legal expert...


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