tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 28 05:01:46 1994

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>From: [email protected] (Nick NICHOLAS)
>Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 11:24:36 +1000 (EST)

>Hu'tegh! nuq ja' Mark E. Shoulson jay'?

>=The discussion here hinges on a
>=file that Nick Nicholas has prepared: just a list of the Klingon words in
>=order by the *ends* of the words, i.e. in an order such that "rhyming"
>=words are near each other in the lexicon (for some definition of "rhyming";
>=probably a fairly English-y one).  

>Rhyme is rhyme; the definition of rhyme is not at issue. If anything *is*
>at issue, it's whether rhyme is relevant to Klingon poetics. Until a Klingon
>pops along, taps me on the shoulder, and tells me otherwise, I will continue
>to use it; for a alliterative alternative to rhyme, see the Hecuba speech 
>in my translation of Hamlet.

Nick, I'm surprised at you.  You know enough of linguistics to know that it
isn't the case that "rhyme is rhyme".  Sounds that are considered to be
rhyming ino one language may not be in another (e.g. in English very often
just an identical final vowel qualifies as a rhyme, while in Hebrew you
have to match more than that, since its inflections make almost anything
rhyme by that definition).  But you're right about whether or not rhyme, by
any definition, matters at all in Klingon poetry; I certainly wouldn't


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