tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jun 25 12:49:52 1994

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Re: How to have a barbeque in...

Hu'tegh! nuq ja' [email protected] jay'?

=>6. Last, and certainly least (because I'm *over* her, you hear?), the first
=>anniversary of Nick's breaking up with Zoe.
=>6DIch. Qavba' 'ej Qatlhbe' (vIbechQo'mo' rIntaH, yaj'a'?): bang mojHa' *nIq*
=>*tlhoy* je.

=>(Have I mentioned that in Klingon, Zoe and Chloe sound exactly the same?
=>There's a joke somewhere in there, but I'm still working that one out.)
=>tlhIngan Hol lo'lu'taHvIS, QIch nIb ghaj *tlhoy*, *tlhoy* je, 'e'
=>pa' vogh lut tlhaQ tu'lu', 'ach DaH vI'oghlI' neH.

=toH wejpuH - wej HaghmoHwI'HeylIj vIyaj - banglI' chu' mojlaw''a' "Chloe" -
=vogh "Chloe" vay' DaqIHmeH mIw Da'oghlaw'lI''a'

ghobe', ghobe'; lut tlhaQ vI'oghlI' neH. 'ach Haghqu'moH mISvetlh. chay'?
bang vI'ogh'a'? 'Iv jIH? Dr Frankenstein jIH'a'?

=yol luqaSmoH DonHa'chuqbogh vuDwIj vuDlIj je - jatpab'e' jaS wIqel - "Chloe"
=jatlhlu'meH tlhIngan jatpab lo'lu'taHvIS <tlhoy> jatlhlu'ba' - 'a <joy>'e'
=rurlaw' "Zoe" - tlhIngan jatpab'e' qellu'taHvIS <z> <j> nIb law' <z> <tlh>
=nIb puS 'e' vIHarbej jIH

qar. cha' DuHvam lajlaH vay'. "Chloe" vIbuSpu', Chloe Vevrier rurmo' Zoe,
porgh qab je qellu'chugh, 'e' vItu'pu' qaSpu'DI' poH nI'be'. (Adult Magazine
Model ghah Ms Vevrier'e'.)

=tIqlIjDaq yol luqaSmoH'a' *joy* *tlhoy* je - ghaytan ghobe' - bang ngo'
=DaqImHa'laHqu' chaq 'e' vItIch'a' - tlhaQ qoj Dajqu' lutvam Daja'law'Qo'bogh
=- ghu'lIj vISovbe'

'ItmoH ghu'vetlh 'e' vIHar. 'ach Dotlh 'It ghImmeH, nuSnIS vay' net Har.

=Dapvetlh ram vIjatlhpu'qu'mo' pob law''e' DaSuq 'e' vIHoy' - SoHDaq
=ghurtaHjaj pobvam'e' (?)

AAAAAAARGH! I meant to say "pop"! Well shit a brick; that'll put hair on
my chest alright! ;) (It'll also make a great conversation piece at the party.)

Btw, I've also been guilty of charghwI''s confusion on -Qo', so expect
revisions of all my texts within the hour...

mu'meymo' mIStaHbogh *nIchyon* jIH.

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