tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 24 00:29:14 1994

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Klingon on TV -- original poems?

I spoke to the producer again today.  It looks like it's likely to happen. 
(Nothing is really certain in television until it's broadcast.)

The program will be going out on ITV, but only in the London area.  Friday
8 July, 10:30 to midnight.  This is the first of a new series of
programmes, which each week will look at a different topic.  The programme
goes out the day after some sort of Plain English Day, and it will be
devoted to the topic of language.  It combines Serious Interviews with
Leading Figures and more light-hearted interviews with people who have
unusual hobbies (I assume that's me), as well as studio audience
discussion.  The Klingon segment will be about 5-6 minutes.  I'll see if I
can get the producer to donate a tape of the programme to the KLI.

I've been given a rough idea of how it will go and what I have to do. 
Besides reciting a Shakespeare sonnet, one thing the producer would
particularly like to hear is an original poem in Klingon, if there are any,
i.e. composed in Klingon, not a translation.  Have any been written?  Which
one shall I share my 15 minutes of fame with?

-- Richard Kennaway, [email protected]

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