tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 09 11:36:11 1994

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charity begins at Idaho

I just got off the phone with David Barron.  I don't know if he's going to
approve of my posting this note here, but knowing him it's clear to me that
he certainly wouldn't.  If you're offended by this, oh well.  If you can help
out, all the better.

Okay, here're the specifics.  As most of you know David sunk a lot of time
and effort into trying to make the Idaho Seminar happen.  He went into it
very optimistically (and I shared that optimism) and it didn't pan out.
 That's alright, he's not bitter or too upset, he doesn't consider the effort
totally wasted.  But, and here's the kicker, the hotel that was going to host
the meeting has refused to refund the $500 David put down to reserve the
conference rooms.  And it doesn't look like he's going to get it back.

David is much more philosophical about this loss than I would be.  He seems
able to shrug it off.  Of course, it also means that he won't be coming to
Philadelphia, being unable to justify the expense of the trip (and you'll
recall that was the major reason why more people didn't sign up to go to
Idaho, the cost of the trip!) on top of the loss from the hotel.

I wish the KLI were in a position to provide financial assistance, but we're
not.  But I'm hoping that all of us, as individuals, CAN maybe help out.

I'm a bit uncomfortable with the internet equivalent of a telethon, but the
cause seems worthy, and there are enough of us here on the mailing list (some
active, some lurking) who could make this happen easily.  Some of you are
even here because you got turned on to Klingon through the postal course that
David has been running (always for free).  What do you say?  Will you join
with me and send $5 or $10 to David Barron to help him recoup his losses and
allow him to participate in the Philadelphia meeting?



:: Dr Lawrence M Schoen, Director   ::
:: The Klingon Language Institute   ::
:: POB 634, Flourtown, PA 19031 USA ::

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