tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 05 04:17:20 1994

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Re: First posting

I have no idea if this post was ever answered by anyone else.  I flagged it as 
something I should answer, and if I am repeating anyone else's words, I 
apologize... this is what I get for falling so far behind *sighs*.

>What is the KATE tape?

KATE stands for Klingon Audio Tape Exchange.  There are a number of people who 
wish not only to be able to understand written tlhIngan, but *spoken* Hol as 
well.  These people have all agreed to exchange cassette tapes with their 
spoken Klingon on them.

>		And regarding previous postings:  
>Why is HAMLET and the Bible, of all things, being translated into
>Klingonese.  What about MACBETH (killing your liege lord is a no-no) and

Well, first of all, I don't know about the rest of the people on this list, 
but I have *never* thought of tlhIngan as "Klingonese."  It sounds... Well, 
*wrong*.  This is a personal peeve of mine, so take that as you will. {{:)

And why not translate things into Klingon?  I am not the best person to give 
reasons why the Bible is or should be, but, for your reference, *all* the 
works of Shakespear are being translated... some just faster than others.  I 
see to recall that someone is indeed currently working on Macbeth, but I could 
be wrong, having been out of things for so long...

>Hope the language camp will be a "go".  Can't get there this year 
>(school-aggrevated poverty and all that) but maybe next year!  T-shirts 

Me, too.  I hope to be there.... if, if if!  (T-shirts?  Now, *there's* a 

>Is any one from this chatline attending WesterCon?  Live in Seattle?

Sorry, I'm out of Ohio, myself. {{:(

>Trying to follow the threads of conversation as best I can.  

Heh.  Good luck.  That's about what *I* do, too...

>Item of curiosity about Klingon culture as reflected in language:  the 
>word, REVENGE.  Have multiple items about revenge been incorporated into 
>the language so far?  Revenge of slighted honor.  Revenge for blood 
>oaths.  Or vengence?  I'm doodling on a novel and the concept of the 
>varieties of revenge keep cropping up.  

Mm... not that we know of.  That's an interesting concept.  I would have 
though that tlhInganpu' would have more varying concepts of *honour*, first, 

--HoD trI'Qal
  tlhwD lIy So'


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