tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 28 14:31:47 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] qo''e' tu'bogh pagh - 'ay' chorgh

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

<p>Does anyone want to volunteer to translate this next chunk?  Or, how about if we do it by committee?  I found it really hard to express some of these ideas: &quot;nature abhors a vacuum&quot;, &quot;turning points in history&quot;, &quot;the universe unfolds&quot;, &quot;logic is the beginning of wisdom&quot;... yikes.</p>

<p>&gt; [Spock&#39;s quarters]<br>
&gt; SPOCK: You&#39;ve done well, Valeris. As your sponsor at the Academy I&#39;ve<br>
&gt; followed your career with satisfaction. And as a Vulcan, you have<br>
&gt; exceeded my expectations.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: I do not understand this representation.<br>
&gt; (referring to a painting on the wall)<br>
&gt; SPOCK: It&#39;s a depiction from ancient Earth mythology. &#39;The Expulsion<br>
&gt; from Paradise.&#39;<br>
&gt; VALERIS: Why keep it in your quarters?<br>
&gt; SPOCK: To be a reminder to me that all things end.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: It is of endings that I wish to speak. Sir, I address you as<br>
&gt; a kindred intellect. Do you not recognise ...that a turning point has<br>
&gt; been reached in the affairs of the Federation?<br>
&gt; SPOCK: History is replete with turning points, Lieutenant. You must have faith.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: Faith?<br>
&gt; SPOCK: That the universe will unfold as it should.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: But is this logical? Surely we must...<br>
&gt; SPOCK: Logic? ...Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the<br>
&gt; end. ...This will be my final voyage on board this vessel as a member<br>
&gt; of her crew. Nature abhors a vacuum. I intend you to replace me.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: I could only succeed you, sir.<br>
&gt; UHURA (on intercom): Now hear this. All officers to the bridge.<br>
&gt; Klingon battle cruiser off the port bow. All officers to the bridge.</p>
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