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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] qo''e' tu'bogh pagh - 'ay' chorgh

Felix Malmenbeck ([email protected])

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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">Accidentally sent my e-mail only to De'vID. Attached it below. Anyhow, here's a quick go at the whole scene:<br>
[Supaq pa']<br>
Supaq: majQa' vel'erIS. 'ampaSDaq DevwI'lI' jIHmo' ta'meylIj vInuD 'ej mubelmoH. 'ej vulqangan SoHmo' bIpo' 'e' vIpIH, 'ej bIpo'qu'.<br>
[I'm actually very confused as to what Spock means by &quot;And as a Vulcan, you have exceeded my expectations.&quot;]<br>
vel'erIS: mIlloghvam vIyajbe'.<br>
[I think nagh beQ may be more appropriate, but mIllogh stroke me as being more &quot;Vulcan:y&quot;, just as &quot;representation&quot; is a very Vulcan:y way to refer to a painting. much could also be used.]<br>
Supaq: tera' lalDan tIQ wanI' much. QI'tu' lumej net poQ.<br>
vel'erIS: qatlh pa'lIjDaq Dapol?<br>
[That leaves less room for chocolate!]<br>
Supaq: Dor Hoch. 'e' vIqawmeH naDev vIpol.<br>
vel'erIS: maja'chuq vIneH Dorbogh ghu' vIbuSmo'. qaH, yablI' jup ghaHmo' yabwI''e' qaghel, ghaytan DIvI' choH'a' qaSpu'bogh wanI''a'?<br>
Supaq: reH chentaH 'u' San. ngoDvam DavoqnIS.<br>
vel'erIS: jIyajbe'.<br>
Supaq: QaQbej 'u' San.<br>
[Really not very happy with this line; feels very... ...non-Spock:y.]<br>
vel'erIS: 'e' Datu'bej'a' bImeqDI'? jImeqDI'...<br>
Supaq: meq tu'DI' vay' valchoH, 'ach wej valchu'.<br>
Qu'vam vIvanDI' Dujvam beq vImuvHa'.<br>
Daq chIm lajQo' 'u'. choqa' 'e' vIHech.<br>
vel'erIS: qaqa'meH qItbe'. qacho'laH neH.<br>
'u'uwra' (ghogh HablI'): peqIm. Hoch yaS, SIbI' meH jaH.<br>
Duj poSDaq tlhIngan may'Duj. Hoch yaS, SIbI' meH jaH.<br>
[My attempt at Clipped Klingon.]<br>
My previous message to De'vID:<br>
<font color="black" face="Tahoma" size="2"><span style="font-size: 10pt;" dir="ltr">Gonna give a few of those a try, just to get the conversation going:<br>
&quot;nature abhors a vacuum&quot;<br>
One's best bet may be to think of a different metaphor, but anyway:<br>
'u'Daq chImchugh wa' Daq tebbejlI' 'u' - If an area is empty in the universe, the universe is definitely working on filling it<br>
'u'Daq chenDI' paghna' chenHa'choHmoH 'u' - As soon as a true nothingness forms in the universe, the universe begins to deconstruct it<br>
Daq chIm lajQo' 'u' - The universe rejects empty places<br>
chImchu'bogh logh lajQo' 'u' - The universe rejects truly empty space<br>
'u'Daq chImchu' vay' net chaw'be' - Nothing in the universe may be empty<br>
Turning points in history:<br>
In paq'batlh, one finds the phrase SaD law' San chenmoH qeylIS.<br>
If destiny can be chenmoH:ed, then probably so can history.<br>
qun luchenmoHbogh wanI''a'mey'e' - great events which have formed history<br>
[choHbogh may also work, but I figure that in an era where time travel is possible, this may be misinterpreted]<br>
So, the whole thing would be something like:<br>
History is replete with turning points, Lieutenant. You must have faith.<br>
la' pIj qaS qun luchenmoHbogh wanI''a'mey'e'. ngoDvam yIvoq.<br>
Another alternative is:<br>
reH chentaH San. ngoDvam yIvoq.<br>
{Destiny is always forming. Have faith in this fact!}<br>
&quot;That the universe will unfold as it should.&quot;<br>
Damn... That's tough.<br>
chenchu'meH chenbejlI' 'u'. {The universe is definitely forming towards the goal of forming completely.}<br>
...but I suppose Spock means &quot;as it should&quot; as in &quot;in order to be preferable&quot;, so one might go with:<br>
qaqmeH chenlI' 'u'. {The universe is taking form in order to be preferable.}<br>
...though that does feel very weird.<br>
QaQbej 'u' San. {The universe's destiny is definitely good.}<br>
Highly illogical, but of course...<br>
&quot;logic is the beginning of wisdom&quot;<br>
meq tu'DI' vay' valchoH 'a wej valchu'. - When one discovers logic, one begins to be wise, but one is not yet perfectly wise.</span></font><br>
<div style="font-family: Times New Roman; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px;">
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<div style="direction: ltr;" id="divRpF427952"><font color="#000000" face="Tahoma" size="2"><b>From:</b> De'vID jonpIn [[email protected]]<br>
<b>Sent:</b> Saturday, January 28, 2012 23:31<br>
<b>To:</b> [email protected]<br>
<b>Subject:</b> [Tlhingan-hol] qo''e' tu'bogh pagh - 'ay' chorgh<br>
<p>Does anyone want to volunteer to translate this next chunk?&nbsp; Or, how about if we do it by committee?&nbsp; I found it really hard to express some of these ideas: &quot;nature abhors a vacuum&quot;, &quot;turning points in history&quot;, &quot;the universe unfolds&quot;, &quot;logic is the beginning
 of wisdom&quot;... yikes.</p>
<p>&gt; [Spock's quarters]<br>
&gt; SPOCK: You've done well, Valeris. As your sponsor at the Academy I've<br>
&gt; followed your career with satisfaction. And as a Vulcan, you have<br>
&gt; exceeded my expectations.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: I do not understand this representation.<br>
&gt; (referring to a painting on the wall)<br>
&gt; SPOCK: It's a depiction from ancient Earth mythology. 'The Expulsion<br>
&gt; from Paradise.'<br>
&gt; VALERIS: Why keep it in your quarters?<br>
&gt; SPOCK: To be a reminder to me that all things end.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: It is of endings that I wish to speak. Sir, I address you as<br>
&gt; a kindred intellect. Do you not recognise ...that a turning point has<br>
&gt; been reached in the affairs of the Federation?<br>
&gt; SPOCK: History is replete with turning points, Lieutenant. You must have faith.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: Faith?<br>
&gt; SPOCK: That the universe will unfold as it should.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: But is this logical? Surely we must...<br>
&gt; SPOCK: Logic? ...Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the<br>
&gt; end. ...This will be my final voyage on board this vessel as a member<br>
&gt; of her crew. Nature abhors a vacuum. I intend you to replace me.<br>
&gt; VALERIS: I could only succeed you, sir.<br>
&gt; UHURA (on intercom): Now hear this. All officers to the bridge.<br>
&gt; Klingon battle cruiser off the port bow. All officers to the bridge.</p>
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