tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 28 05:19:54 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] qIHpu'ghach wa'DIch - 'ay' wa'

Felix Malmenbeck ([email protected])

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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">&gt;&gt; DATA: HoD, romuluS wo' veHDaq qaSbe'pu' wanI' motlhbe' qaStaHvIS Hut jar.<br>
&gt;&gt; yol lutaghmeH ghaytanHa' poHvam luwIv.<br>
ghItlhta' De'vID:<br>
&gt; Instead of {qaSbe'} and {motlhbe'}, how about {qaS} and {ram}?&nbsp; I am<br>
&gt; reminded of Kruge's line from Star Trek III: {naDev qaS wanI' ramqu'}<br>
&gt; &quot;There's nothing happening here&quot;, literally, &quot;A very insignificant event is<br>
&gt; happening here&quot;, or &quot;trivial things are happening here&quot;.<br>
While I agree that your suggestion sounds more like something a Klingon would say, I rather liked Rohan's original suggestion because it sounded like something the Klingon equivalent of Data might say, sacrificing brevity and directness for accuracy.<br>
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