tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 17 06:02:33 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh wejmaH: <nepchu'qu'be'>

Robyn Stewart ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

I've been trying to resolve the smartquotes issue I've just started noticing. Apologies if it's been bothering others all along: you should have told me!
vajar and crew beamed back from Vigilant after collecting personal possessions. Hey it may be dull, but at least it's not 250 words a day about *my* life. Oh wait, it is: waiting, security procedures, meetings and flying around in outer space. Except for the outer space part. I fly around Alberta.

jatlh Hung yaS Sagh, "vajar HoD, DaH Dujatlh qImyal Sa'. DuDor laghvam. pa'meyrajDaq 'aHraj lan vay'."

"lu'," jatlh vajar. "mutlhej yaSpu'wI'."

ghutar Hota'ro' je nuD lagh. ne' Degh tuQtaH ghutar 'ej *veS* Sogh Degh tuQtaH Hota'ro'. loQ mIS lagh. jatlh "nItlhej latlhpu' 'e' ra'be' Sa'."

jatlh vajar, "wIvwIj'e' 'oHmo'." ra'chu' ghoghDaj. ghu' laj lagh 'ej wej tlhIngan DorchoH.

lojmIt tlhopDaq mev DorwI'. SaHtaH cha' 'avwI'pu'. nuHmeychaj chu'Ha'lu'pu' 'e' 'ol wa' 'avwI'. qImyal rI' latlh. Hung mIwmeyvammo' puQ vajar.[149]

"yI'el," jatlhDI' qImyal, 'el vajar, Hota'ro' ghutar je. QamDI' chevchuq 'etlh chuq. che'ron SuvwI'pu' Dalaw'. pa'Daq SaH wIy, De'wI', quS puS, raS, cha' 'avwI'pu', qImyal Sa' je. Sa' lumerchugh Hota'ro' ghutar je, 'angbe'. jatlh, "buy' ngop, vajar HoD. SIbI' *Dugh* lajqang wo' vergh'a' yaH cha'maH cha', beqlIj DaQayqangchugh." mon qImyal. yayHom lopruplaw'.

jatlh vajar, "juquvmoH qImyal Sa'. SoHmo' wo' toy'qa'laH *Dugh*. Do'Ha' yo' leH De'wI' vInaw'laHbe'pu' wej beq vIQaypu'. SIbI' wIta'qang, wa' Duj toy'be'bogh raQpo' DaHIjqangchugh."

vajar bej qImyal. jatlh, "wa' raQpo' HIjqang *veS*. De'wI'vam yIlo'." HaSta leghDI' vajar, qImyalvaD *Dugh* QayrupmoH. Duj naQ QaymoHchugh vajar vaj Duj toy'taH Hota'ro' ghutar je 'ej Duj Hutlh vajar. vajar ghaH raQpo'vetlh'e' 'e' Har qImyal. muj Sa'. HaStavetlh qIl vajar 'ej latlhmeyDaq De' ghItlh.

jatlh, "Dugh HoD jIHtaH, Sa', 'ach Qo'noSDaq ropyaH qach vIghoSnISmo' Duj leH yaS wa'DIchwI', Hota'ro' Sogh." Hota'ro' qImyal je merba'ta' vajar.

jatlh qImyal, "Qotlhlu'pu'mo' DujlIj yaS Danum net chaw'be' 'e' DaSov, vajar HoD. QonoSlIj vIlaDpu' Sogh ghaH 'ach DItoDpa' yaS wa'DIch DagheSmoHbe'pu'."

jatlh vajar, "yaj, Sa'. Heghpu'DI' 'ungya Sogh, yaS wa'DIch moj 'ach vIjollu'mo' De' choqbe'law'pu' De'wI'. Do', wa'maH tup ret vI'olta'. qaSpu'pa' wa' jaj vIqarmoHta'mo' mubchu'." nepchu'qu'be' vajar. Heghpu'DI' 'ungya, moch ghajbe'mo' wa'DIch ghaH. SIbI' numbe'ta' vajar, 'ach ngoDvetlh SovnISbe' Sa'.
SKI: vajar announces crew reassignments.
[149] Can you tell I do a lot of writing in airports? I've been travelling in the USA this month, where the security procedures are insane. It's clearly coming through in the writing. I've removed a lot of security procedures on re-editing, because even Klingons aren't that paranoid. And they don't put me through USELESS searches.
Earlier episodes as always can be found at
I told a few people in private e-mail about something that was coming up in a particular chapter. I've re-edited the story quite a bit since then and the chapters have been rearranged beyond recognition, so now that chapter is a long way off again and I can't tell you what number it will have.

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