tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 12 13:16:27 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Is {chach} also a verb?

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Qu'vatlh! - I used to believe I have all the HolQeD issues, but after looking for it, I found out that this is one I never had :-(

TKD just says chach (n) energency, both in KE and EK sides. KGT does not have anything.

ghItlh loghaD:
tlham chach chu'qa' "Restoring auxiliary gravity." (clipped?) [ST6];
"If I heard this correctly, chach appears to be acting as a quality here:
'backup/auxiliary gravity'. If it's a noun, I would expect the noun+noun phrase
?chach tlham 'emergency gravity'."
/Steven Boozer [2006-10-04];

Theoretically, if it meant "backup", why must it precede tlham in a noun-noun construction? Could this not be, literally, "backup of gravity", i.e.
  "gravity's backup"
  {tlham chach}

Or is this just one of those "look-up errors", using a wrong word in a word-to -word translation? My webster's dictionary tells me that emergency can be a noun and an adjective (a verb for klingons), and it is used as an adjective in combinations like "emergency gravity". From that point of view, with the example of {tlham chach}, it seems to be a verb.

But I would like to see some better confirmation.


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