tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 18 23:03:08 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'maH jav

Qov ([email protected])

At 21:53 18/09/2011, lab ghunchu'wI':
lut 'ay'vam vIlaDtaHvIS DaHjaj jIH bel law' cha'Hu' jIH bel puS.

jIbel. chaq wa'Hu' vItI'laH.

> 'ungya HIvchugh DeghwI' vImunbe' Qub HoD. 'oy' qotlhchoH. [9]

mI' vItu'pa', mumonHa'moH lo'vam.

tlheghvetlh vIchoHta'. DaH:

<'ungya HIvchugh DeghwI' vImunbe'> Qub HoD. bojchoH

> [6] Yeah, culturally speaking the red/green status thing is lazy, but it's
> not like the Klingons have a lot of colours to choose from. Maybe it's
> orange for bad and blue for good, anyway.

The on-screen displays I recall have mostly red-orange text with
yellow apparent highlights. That suggests the reverse of how you
described it.

I'm afraid I'll miss something if I try to change it now, and make it worse. Next ship.

> [7] Does this work okay for you? It seems that <tlhoy Hembe'> means "too
> much not proud" and not "not too proud," so I had to go with 'Iq. Other
> options? Would <tlhoyHa' Hem> do it for anyone? <'Iqbe' le'yo'>, but that's
> the same thing as I have.

...'ach 'eDjen mojbe'.
...'ach mIyrupbe'ba'.
...'ach le'yo'Daj SeHchu'.

While I was looking at it I suddenly realized that what I meant in the first place had been 'ach tlhobvIpbe'. So I put that.

> [9] Not strictly a verb of speaking, but if I put it in quotes it looks like
> he said it, and he only thought it. How else might I do it?

The line is now:
Qub HoD. ja''egh &lt;'ungya HIvchugh DeghwI' vImunbe'&gt;  bojchoH.

I finished 'ay''a' loSDIch, which means it's now time to rip it apart and write it over again. I removed all the parts that didn't fit comfortably last night and thought I was done, but I read it again tonight and nothing happens! Aargh. I at least must ensure that nothing happens in a fun and suspenseful way. :-)

Or maybe I should just aim for grammatically correct.

- Qov

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