tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 17 09:19:39 2011

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'maH jav

Robyn Stewart ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

Sorry for the double post yesterday. I didn't get any messages all day, including the one I sent in the morning, so I sent it again later and then finally got both copies. I'll be more patient today.

If you don't have time to read the 'ay', could you scan the questions in the footnotes? Thanks again for everyone's feedback on the story. I'm re-editing parts as I send them, and some of your recommendations are going directly into parts I'm writing now.
At the end of last 'ay' the captain ordered the FO to transfer thruster control to the off-duty helmsman, because she seemed to have a better idea how to solve the thruster problem.

wovchoHDI' DeghwI' SeHlaw moDchoH nItlhDu'Daj. Qom 'e' mev Duj. DeghwI' nIH ghopDaq wa' 'eDSeHcha chang'eng SentaHvIS, latlh qew 'ej latlh qan. poH ghopDaq lolSeHcha chang'engmey SIq 'ej qay 'ej qan. nItlhDu'Daj bejbe'taH. HaStaDaq Duj Dotlh bejtaH. pa' pIvghorvaD tlhamvaD je mI'mey Doq cha'lu'. nuptaH mI'. vIHbe'choHpu'pa' DeghwI' nItlhDu', SuDchoHpu' Dotlh.[6] ba'taH neH DeghwI'.

"majQa'," jatlh HoD. Hem vajar 'a 'Iqbe'.[7] "chay' Data'?"

vIj baHmeH Dup Qatlh QIjchoH DeghwI'. qagh HoD. "'ach chay' DaSIm?"

"De'wI' vIlo'. napHa'bej SImmeH Qu'."

"'ach qabej. De'wI' Daghunbe'. yapbe' poH. SIbI' Davang."

"wej ben De'wI' vIlo'. SengvamvaD chuyDaH vIpoj ghIq vangmeH Dup vIqawchoH."

"Daqaw'a'?" qagh yaS wa'DIch. Ha'qujDaj nge'pu'mo' Hota'ro' laH, yaj neHqu'. "Hoch vIjvaD yablIjDaq Dup Dapol'a'?"

"ghobe'," jang DeghwI' tam. "nItlhDu'wIjDaq vIpol. mI'choH."

"chay'?!" qap yaS wa'DIch.

"jIqeq. jIqeqqa', jIqeqtaH. moQbara' rur." tamqu'choHpu' ghoghDaj.

"'a qatlh? qubqu'chu' ghu'. bImaw''a'?" qaDchoH yaS wa'DIch.

'ungya HIvchugh DeghwI' vImunbe' Qub HoD. 'oy' qotlhchoH. [9]

'a HIvbe' DeghwI'. jang "Du'majDaq ghor DujvaD qubbe'bej. Hoch jaj cha'logh qaSbe'chugh jIDo', 'ach pIvghor ghajbe'ba'mo' wIjwI' ghor Duj, Qobqu'be'. wab Huj lIng neH. munuQtaH. vIj Heghbat wIpong. bo'Degh maw' rur. ghor DujvaD tI'meH jIyongHa'nIS ghIq vIj'e' vIpoSnISmoH QaptaHvIS vIj, 'ej vIj qoDDaq leQHom vIruQnIS. baSmo' taj vIlo'laHbe'." QIjtaHvIS ghopDaj yoymoHmeH yebDaj tlhe'qu'. "vImuS. pIj mumeQmoH vIj."

leSchoH yaS wa'DIch. "DujvamvaD nIbqu' vIj naw'meH mIw! QIp, qar'a'? Do' not QaptaHvIS DInaw'nIS."

"mumerbe'," jang DeghwI' "rurchuq SeHlaw je. ghopDu'wIj vImeQmoHbe'meH chuyDaH nger vIHaD 'ej Dup vISIm. DeghwI' vImojmeH jIHaDchoHDI', laHwIj vItobmeH, DuSaQ Duj ngebDaq Dup vIqeq. 'ejDo'vaD qubqu' ngugh 'e' vISovbe'. 'ej motlh Qap mIwlIj'e'. qubchu'qu'mo' ghu'. 'ach Qobchu'. pIvghor Qaw'laH." jIvpu'mo' pagh tlhoy jatlhpu'mo' tuHchoH DeghwI' 'ej tamchoH.
SKI: The helmsman uses a complex sequence of control manipulations to stop the power conduit-thruster feedback, and then explains why she knew how to do it.

[6] Yeah, culturally speaking the red/green status thing is lazy, but it's not like the Klingons have a lot of colours to choose from. Maybe it's orange for bad and blue for good, anyway.

[7] Does this work okay for you? It seems that <tlhoy Hembe'> means "too much not proud" and not "not too proud," so I had to go with 'Iq. Other options? Would <tlhoyHa' Hem> do it for anyone? <'Iqbe' le'yo'>, but that's the same thing as I have.

[8] Nice little articulation example. A speaker should be able to clearly distinguish among vI' je, vIje' and vIj'e'. Hmmm... juHwIjDaq vI' betleHmey 'a DaHjaj vIj'e' vIje'. vI' je.

[9] Not strictly a verb of speaking, but if I put it in quotes it looks like he said it, and he only thought it. How else might I do it?

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