tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 18 13:38:32 2011

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Re: mu'mey chu': matlh vItlho'qu'

Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' SuStel, jatlh:

>One day someone will finally see fit to simply list the new words that come
>out of a qep'a' or product and their definitions in a single message, rather
>than playing the I-know-something-that-you-don't game.


jangpu' Qov:

>I think it's fun, even when I haven't been one of the attendees, and
>something else I know that you don't know is that ghunchu'wI' is
>working quite hard at wresting the KLI website out of Seqram's
>distracted control to update, for example, the New Words List, so
>there will be a single, simple place for you to look them up.

>Also note that we received the words in the same dribs and drabs, and
>that Marc did not so much provide definitions as smile in a fatherly
>fashion as we worked them out from context.


Couldn't have put it better myself. wa' DoS wIqIpchu'. ('ej ghunchu'wI': website

SeHqa'lu'chu'DI', mu' chu' tetlh loHwI' poQlu'chugh jISapqang.)

I also think Voragh's point (which he also made last year when this same issue

arose) is a good one: in the hopefully temporary absence of the New Words List,

having a separate thread for each word will save confusion in the long run.

There've already been over 20 posts about {jul} alone, I notice.


Whatever happens, one of us will ensure a summary of all the new words will get

to the list.


QeS 'utlh 		 	   		  

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