tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 18 13:04:03 2010

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Re: If I were you...

David Trimboli ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

From: "Steven Boozer" <[email protected]>

> lojmIt tI'wI' nuv:
>>It occurred to be yesterday that if someone asked me for advice and I
>>wanted to say, "If I were you, I'd pay more and get the better 
>>in Klingon, well, I can't. The "If I were you," part gets REALLY 
>>no matter how I try to approach the problem.
>>I just have to skip that part and say something like, {Doch qaq vImaS.
>>wagh'a'? ram!}
> Since Klingon doesn't have a subjunctive, how about:
>  qeSwIj DaneHchugh, janHom wagh yIje'!
>  If you want my advice, buy the expensive widget.

This may be an Englishism. "Buy the expensive widget" doesn't really 
provide the "then" of the "if/then." What you want has nothing to do 
with what *I* would do.

>  janHom qaq DaDIl 'e' vIchup
>  I suggest/recommend you pay for the better widget.

This works much better.

The idea behind "if I were you" is a lot more complicated and subtle 
than its brevity makes it seem. It means "I have an opinion on the 
matter and I am going to advise you on it using my own experience and 
preferences: do <whatever>." This is probably a lot more nuanced than a 
Klingon would get in most circumstances. Just saying {janHom wagh yIje'} 
would achieve the same result. If the greater nuance is required, you 
can start with the {'e' vIchup} route.

David Trimboli 

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