tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 18 11:52:03 2010

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RE: If I were you...

Seruq ([email protected])

> It occurred to be yesterday that if someone asked me for 
> advice and I wanted to say, "If I were you, I'd pay more and 
> get the better widget," in Klingon, well, I can't. The "If I 
> were you," part gets REALLY weird, no matter how I try to 
> approach the problem.
> I just have to skip that part and say something like, {Doch 
> qaq vImaS. wagh'a'? ram!}

But what does one really mean when they say "If I were you..."?  "If I had to make that choice..."
Which also means "In my opinion"
Unless the speaker gives the disclaimer that he is referencing someone else's opinion, he is going
to be speaking his opinion.
Personally I do not use that hypothetical "If I were you".
You can just say "Buy that one", or if you need to add a human touch you can say something like "I
think you should buy that one", or "I believe you need to buy that one".  Or like you did, ...vImaS.


PS:  How would you say "I'd pay more and get the better widget"?

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