tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Sep 09 12:59:20 2008

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RE: Help with a project

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> My latest project is {bebDaq ba'taHbogh Supghew yachwI'},

"{Supghew} strummer while he's sitting on the roof"
Catchy, pithy title.  <g>

I'd drop {Suqghew}, as {yach} "pet, stroke, strum (a stringed instrument)" implies some king of {HurDagh} "stringed instrument".  Hmm... does {yach} cover using a bow?  There's also {Heng} "finger (holes, strings of instrument) to vary sound".  Well, "strummer" on the roof sounds better (in English) than "fingerer" on the roof!

> I'm doing the first song in the show, {lurDech}.
> If you are familiar with the show, the opening number has as much
> speech as it does song.  (...) The parts I'm seeking actors for are:
> yente (the matchmaker) - middle-aged woman

How did you translate "matchmaker"?  It seems there are several options:  *{tlhogh chenmoHwI'}, *{naymoHwI'}, *{SawmoHwI'}, etc.

Since I've seen both *{naltay} and *{tlhoghtay} used for "mating ritual, marriage ceremony, wedding", so *{tay'moHwI'} "a uniter" could be a nice play on words between {tay} "ceremony, rite, ritual" and {tay'} "be together, be united".  And you could play around with:

  wa' Dol nIvDaq matay'DI' maQap
  We succeed together in a greater whole. TKW

  reH tay' ghot tuqDaj je
  One is always of his tribe. TKW

  tay'taHbe' 'Iw bIQ je
  Blood and water don't mix. TKW

  matay'DI' vIHtaHbogh bIQ rur mu'qaDmey
  Between us, curses run like water. PK

... all of which could be adapted to refer to marriage.

From the TV episodes, we do have a bit of folklore WRT romantic matches:  B'Ellana Torres fretted that she and Tom Paris were a *mok'tah*, a phrase B'Ellana's grandmother used to use referring to a "bad match" (VGR "Drive").

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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