tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Sep 09 09:52:15 2008

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Help with a project

Terrence Donnelly ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

I'm working on another of my Klingon songs (actually, Terran songs translated into Klingon).  My latest project is {bebDaq ba'taHbogh Supghew yachwI'}, in honor of my performing in it over the summer and as an homage to the Japanese version I found on Youtube. I'm doing the first song in the show, {lurDech}.

If you are familiar with the show, the opening number has as much speech as it does song.  I'm currently looking for people willing to take some of the speaking roles (eventually I may be seeking singers, too, but I don't actually have the songs translated yet).  They're very short.  You could record them as simple wav files and email them to me.

The parts I'm seeking actors for are:

avram - middle-aged man
yente (the matchmaker) - middle-aged woman
laSar wolIv (the butcher) - middle-aged man
naHum (the beggar) - age unknown
menDel (the Rabbi's son) - a young man
Sorry, tevye and the Rabbi have already been cast ;-)

Note that you don't have to be middle-aged or young, just able to sound like it. You could even do more than one part, if you can make them sound different enough (which is my problem, I usually can't!).

If you are interested in playing any of these parts, please let me know. Credit will be given with the finished song.

-- ter'eS

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