tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 15 13:53:03 2006

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Re: KLBC: question about position of suffixes

McArdle ([email protected])

{lupwI'} or {lupwI'Hom} is just what I was looking for.  I don't know why I didn't look for "transport" in the KD.  
  Since a {may'Duj} or {toQDuj} isn't particularly diminutive, I'm tempted to stick with the unqualified term, which, etymologically at least (= "thing that transports"), should correspond fairly well with my use of "vehicle" instead of "car" in the English version.  I'm also sticking with "Klingon battle-cruiser," so:
      tlhIngan may'Duj 'oH latlh lupwI'wIj'e'
  I can add the {-Hom} if you think that {lupwI'} by itself is too closely associated with the meaning "jitney" to be taken as simply "vehicle."
  Many thanks again.
Steven Boozer <[email protected]> wrote:
  McArdle wrote:
>>I considered Duj for vehicle but had rejected it because I wanted to 
>>avoid the repetition Duj/may'Duj and because I wasn't sure you could 
>>apply Duj to a ground vehicle anyway.
Using {Duj} for "car" is unofficial Klingonist slang and has been used for 
as long as I can remember. In the right context - say, a bumper sticker - 
it should be clear.

>>If qengwI' is acceptable (if not optimal) Klingon, then might the choice 
>>between it and Duj be parallel to the choice between "my other vehicle is 
>>an X" and "my other car is an X"? Both of these are common, even if (at 
>>least according to Google) the latter occurs about 7 times as often.

I've never seen *{qengwI'} "conveyance" from {qeng} "carry, convey" 
before. It's not bad, though I'm not sure it would be understood without 
an explanation - what we call "hindsight words". Note that on SkyBox card 
S14 {qengwI' naQ} means "(rifle) stock", as on a disruptor rifle. Also 
{tepqengwI'} is translated "cargo carrier" (a type of ship?) in TKD and 
"cargo lift" (i.e. a crane used on the cargo deck) on the Klingon 
Bird-of-Prey poster.

>>In general, is Duj really so broad that it encompasses "vehicle"? Or is 
>>there room for a term (such as qengwI', not that I'm politicking for 
>>that) that would denote any kind of conveyance without specifying the mode?

I've seen *{yavDuj} and *{ghor Duj} used for groundcar (lit. 
"ground/surface [of planet] ship"). We also have {lupwI'} "jitney, bus" 
from the scene in "Conversational Klingon" where the Terran tourist is 
seeing the sites on Kronos:

lupwI' DalIghnIS
You must ride the jitney. CK

This sounds like it's a type of ground vehicle. Qov has used *{lupwI'Hom} 
for "car" which may work best here since you don't want to repeat {Duj}.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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