tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue May 30 15:08:43 2006

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Re: Brainfart question (so dumb it should be KLBC)

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Steven Boozer <[email protected]> wrote:  Shane wrote:

>could "qaneH" be used as present tense or only future tense?

Both. As well as past tense.

Klingon does not mark grammatical tense, only aspect. Which English tense 
you use to translate the Klingon depends on the context:

I wanted you. I want you. I will want you.

I had wanted you. I have wanted you. I will have wanted you.

I used to want you. I still want you. I will continue to want you.


Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

  I always considered -taH to enforce present dence and -ta'/-pu' inforce past tense, but never really considered anything to imply future tence. "qaneHtaH" as "i used to want you" dosn't really make sence to me... All the other examples i can see a stretch to, but that... o.O Question is, what does it imply if there is no context, and it's stand alone... If the only klingon phrase was "i want you" would it be still appropriate to use "qaneH" without a suffix? That's my question, because the suffixes do imply tenses, but lack of tense... is some what vague and isn't always enforced. lol

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