tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 01 08:42:07 2006

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Re: {Qong} and other unattested nouns

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

Shane MiQogh:
>I don't know if this is considered a lagit source for klingon culture (as 
>it's surely not from MO), but...
>   "Klingon vessels forgo luxuries such as crew quarters and
>    entertainment facilities in favor of more armor and weapons.
>    As a result, most klingon ships are tough and well armed for
>    their size."
>   (StarTrek: Starfleet Command III - Instruction Manual, 2002,
>    Actvision & Paramount)
>The above states that Klingons don't have crew quarters and they probably 
>either don't sleep until they reach a starbase, go some where else and 
>they sleep on the floor, or they find other means such as "sleeping on the 

Perhaps at one time or on very small ships, but we've seen beds on Klingon 
warships:  TNG "Unification, Part I" and ENT "The Augments".

In "Unification" when Captain K'Vada showed Picard to his quarters aboard 
his Bird-of-Prey, he slapped the hard bed - actually, more like a sleeping 
shelf - and said the bed may not be to Picard's liking, sneering that 
"Klingons don't pad their bodies".  Nonplussed, Picard patted the bed 
himself and replied, "Good. I like a firm mattress."  (This may even have 
been an in-joke, recalling the line in "Conversational Klingon" {letqu' 
QongDaq} "The bed is very hard.")

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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