tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 22 22:16:55 2006

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Re: Just a few ideas (maybe some (or all) are repeats...)

QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Shane MiQogh, ja':
>Anyway, i'd like to get this out. I know the mu' HaqwI' can't replace TKD
>completely, but i'm sure we can agree that even though it can't, it would
>make looking up words, easier.

I have used mu' HaqwI' since before I began at the KLI, and it's certainly a 
useful tool. Even more useful, though, is pojwI', a program that Holtej has 
written which not only contains all the words (including those from HolQeD 
and from qep'a'mey), but gives a citation in canon for each of them. It's a 
brilliant program, and I recommend you get it.

>Also, i don't know if it's out there, or even if it's in TKD, but it
>would be nice to get a proper noun letter conversion thinger.
>I don't mean like making a conversion table for words in klingon
>to english (cause i know it's a language, not a code), but i'd like
>to get something for proper nouns.

I heard it put very well once: it takes a reasonable knowledge of English, 
and good lateral thinking skills, to work out that {ghIlaStIr} is the 
Klingonised version of "Gloucester". More especially so when you realise 
that not all dialects sound the same. In my Australian English, I would 
transliterate "Gloucester" as {ghIloStIr}. Many of us don't even bother 
transcribing proper names into Klingon, because you have to stop and think 
about it ("What could {maS'e'chuSetlh} mean?"), and by the time you work it 
out, you've lost the flow of whatever you were reading.

>We might have to go to Okrand to get such a thing, but there
>must be a standard for proper nouns (for those of you who don't
>know what i'm talking about, i mean names of places, people,
>and specific things) not only from english (or other language) to
>klingon, but Klingon to english.

There are some generic principles, but nothing you can really codify. {tlh} 
usually becomes "kl-" at the start of a syllable, as in {tlhIngan} 
"Klingon". {Q} usually is transliterated as "Kr-" when it starts a syllable 
({Qugh} "Kruge") and as "-x" when it ends a syllable ({qoreQ} "Korax"). My 
name would probably be transliterated into English as "Kress".

Basically, don't worry about proper nouns; just keep them as they are. 
No-one will fault you for it.

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

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