tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 28 14:19:34 2006

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Re: HolQeD Republishing...

...Paul ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

qen QIn vIqomtaHvIS, jIqImHa'choH.  qechwIj vIvuS 'e' vIHech.  vaj, rapbe' 
/wiki/, HolQeD je, 'ach HolQeDvo' De' potlh wIvI'.  mI' lo'meH pab, 
mu'tay' je ngaSbogh Daq'e' wIchenmoHlaH.

De'vam luSuqnISlaH tlhIngan Hol ghojbogh vay''e'.  luSuqnISlaH /KLI/ 
muvbe'bogh vay''e'...

Writing my last message, I got distracted.  I meant to refine my 
suggestion, in that we wouldn't repost the text of the HolQeD, but we'd 
aggregate the information presented.  Create a page that boiled down the 
syntax and such for dealing with math.

This is the kind of thing anyone interested in the language should be able 
to get ahold of, even if they're not officially members (and regardless of 
whether or not membership actually "meant" anything)...


          ** ...Paul, [email protected], Insane Engineer **
   ** Visit Project Galactic Guide **
    "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they
        do it from a religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal

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